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Title of class: DLR to RNC to Armbar to SLX/Xguard
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Today we continue from the DLR into finishes and sweeps:
1. Drill DLR to backtake
2. Drill RNC from back
3. Drill Armbar from back
Introduce: SLX and XGuard
Title of class: DLR to waiter sweep to chest escape-180 roll -to back take
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DLR series:
Today we look at the DLR to 180 roll to back take.
Key points:
1. From DLR, load up opponent stacked over shins as for the Waite Sweep
2. Using other shin drive him away towards the right
3. Hugging his DLR leg tight, chest escape creating distance
4. Roll keeping your arms in or on elbow away from your DLR, completing a 180 axil rotation
5. Back step for the back take
Title of class: Drills night
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It’s drill night.
Instructions: continue each exercise until i say stop. Follow the instructions of the partner scenario that applies to you.
1. Start with warm-ups
2. a) Toreando pass
b) leg drag
3. (Bottom guy pummel defence) top guy to smash pass
4. (Bottom guy) pummel with opposite foot, (top guy) smash pass opposite side.
2 min water break.
Repeat opposite partner.
Title of class: Arm bar series. 1 of 3 Intermediate
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Today, we begin our Arm Bar series.
1. Classic arm bar from mount: intermediate
We start with intermediate
– look for reaction to push you away ex. X-collar choke
– secure near side arm against chest
– under left armpit cup, leaning body to left, lift up shoulder and s-mount right leg under his shoulder
– lean now to right/south towards his leg (but not off chest) to release your left leg and over his face, keeping sound base
– drop back raise hips point thumb to sky for tap
2. To be continued – Easy chest post and twist
3. To be continued – Advanced two arm trap (review opponent arm lock options)
Title of class: Straight ankle lock
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Straight ankle lock:
Principle: extremity attack, max torque
Technique 1
1. From squated combat or sitting combat, secure opponents left ankle
2. Create guillotine choke grip across his Achilles’ tendon). There will be space. His toes should tuck just into your arm pit. Not too deep. Not too shallow.
3. Lift shoulders up, pop out chest, some raising guillotine grip, lay down backwards (onto right side is acceptable)
4. Continue to puff out chest AND/OR arch your back (looking over your right shoulder may add additional torque)
Technique 2
Repeat above but step 2 pull your guillotine hand out toward opposite (left) side tightening the grip around his ankle (eliminating any space)
* this technique is illegal for those younger than 16yrs of age – ibjjf rules
Title of class: Guard pass torreando and long step day5- land in reverse kesagetame – top side control – twister side control
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We culminate our past four days of guard pass via torreando and the long step to end up in reverse kesa getame (RKG) – top side control -twister side control. The goal of this position is a control and segway-transition to the ‘Truck’.
1. Starting in RKG (from torreando side – your left side guard pass – or spin from long step side – see previous class), ensure you maintain top pressure via sitting on opponents right shoulder or at least deep into the arm pit. As well, using your right straight arm with a grip on opponents right pant to prevent being pushed off.
2. Opponent’s left leg will naturally attempt to twist over to capture one of your legs, and/or his bottom leg to reverse and turtle. Use this opportunity to secure his left leg with your right tricep to pin down his left leg.
3. Continue to use your right arm to weave into down under his bottom right leg, until you pop out the back, creating a cup or hook shape grip of his right thigh (this also referred to as the fish net). This lock stops him from recovering and moving his legs.
4. Using your right foot heel, secure his left leg (ankle), drawing it in towards you.
5. Use your bottom left leg to now come over the top and secure his leg (swapping out your right heel with your now left leg).
6. Back to using your right foot, come over your own left top ankle and weave under your opponent’s captured leg for the lock.
You are now setup for the truck. To be continued in our next class.
Title of class: Truck 1 banana split and slicer
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Today, we culminate our last five classes to arrive at the reverse kesa getame, top side control.
The last 5 classes have been instrumental in developing an unstoppable guard pass, focusing on fundamentals an in the latter part, looking at more advanced techniques with the top torso control then guard pass (reverse order).
We did what we needed to do in order to get to reverse kesa getame, namely, after the butt flop, tri-podding to apply pressure while walking your opponents legs to apply a spinal twist.
Today we examine a good reverse kesa getame, looking at key points of control. The hip and seated on shoulder. The main points of the truck setup include:
1. looking for the opposite leg of the opponent
2. using your leg to hook it OR using your fish net/hook to secure his leg in place
3. weaving your legs and establishing a lock on his leg
4. securing his love handle for the forward roll on his opposite side
5. landing in the truck
We examined from truck:
1. the calf slicer (illegal under brown belt)
2. the banana split (illegal for children under 13 ibjjf).
Title of class: The Twister from the Truck
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The last six classes have led to us gaining the advantage of reverse kesa getame position. Hard fought. Now you don’t want to lose this position.
To secure this position, key points to remember:
1. Sit on his shoulder or at a minimum deep into his arm pit
2. Grab his knee (opposite preferred to avoid being knee’d in the face in a street situation).
3. Grab his belt with the opposite far side arm
4. Essentially you are trying to elevate his arms up above his head to make them useless at defending himself
Now you are prepared for the Truck entry.
Please review the previous video, The Truck for complete details.
Once in Truck, key points to gain Twister positioning:
1. look for his arm to go under your shoulders if he is trying to avoid you from taking his back (which is entirely an option).
2. Grab his arm with your far side arm, and sling it over the back and across your shoulders, like you are supporting a drunk buddy
3. Transfer the cuff grip to your other hand
4. Thread your previous arm through the hole, coming our entirely on the other side, including your shoulder
5. Wiggle your back onto his bicep to secure in place
6. You should now be in position to secure an ‘S’ grip across his far temple/ear section for the twister and submission
* please be careful as always, even though the twister traditionally has a lot of wiggle room before harming your partner. He/she will tap from the onset of extreme discomfort, so take it slow and easy.
Title of class: From Truck to back take and submission series
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Today we continue the ongoing series started with the torreando and long step. Going to truck entry as our pathway to various submissions. Please review the truck entry at minimum as prerequisite to this class.
We look at:
1. back take
2. Cross collar choke
3. Ezekiel
4. Armbar
** Operational note: today we’ve modified our staff/gi dummy by adding several pillow to simulate a torso. Feel free to modify yours to follow along in a more fruitful manner.
Title of class: Drills night and pop quiz. We cover the last 7 classes.
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Special technique detail.
Prof. Lee explains the roll to truck entry, why we do it:
1. When we closely examine the reverse kesa getame, leg lock setup to the truck, we notice two things:
a) his right leg is on the bottom before
b) after the roll, his right leg is on top
(this is explained within the video).
This is essentially the truck entry purpose. To get him on his back.
Understanding this, we can examine our position from a greater height and look for:
a) our goal
b) other opportunities that may sit in front of our eyes
– From reverse kesa getame, we notice that if I simply roll him a complete 360 while maintaining the leg lock and remaining stationary our self, we notice that his right leg went from bottom to top
– next class we examine alternate and a potentially brand new technique never used before (at least documented publicly). This is possible because of principled jiu jitsu with an eye on the prize from 10′ and not in the thick of technique jungle.
– Note: OMEGA class- please ensure you watch URL1 to get a feel of what the class is doing, as some pop quizzes are performed by students