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Ontario could hit 6500 cases/day by mid December


i hope you’re doing well.

As of today Ontario hit 1,500 cases/day. It’s officially wave 2. As I had predicted back in June (it didn’t take rocket science, in fact it took only basic high school math) to see this outcome based on the actions taken back when we entered into phase 3.

This prediction that came out today that Ontario could hit 6,500 cases per day is yet another very grave alert. Why am i writing this? Because ours one more reason or inflection point that’s headed out way where the decisions we make today will affect whether this prediction comes true or not

People, you need to make the correct decision TODAY.

Oracle jiu jitsu it’s dedicated to contributing to the wellness and speedy recovery of our economy, our families and my students. This means our doors remain closed. . . for now. Yes we’re located in Etobicoke and Mississauga but these locations are setting quadruple growth rate numbers as is Toronto

Stay tuned folks. Stay smart. Stay strong.

P. Lee


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Hey there leechiang,
Oracle Jiu Jitsu just updated the curriculum.

Here’s what was recorded on 10/09/2019:
test stand
test guard

You can also check it out here: