Sensei Sergio Aikido self defence demonstration tonight 7:00-8:30pm. Bring your Gi and 2kg non perishable donation option. Members free. Non members $10.
Where: 168 Queen street south unit 210. Oracle Jiu Jitsu
Door closes 7:15pm sharp.
Sensei Sergio Aikido self defence demonstration tonight 7:00-8:30pm. Bring your Gi and 2kg non perishable donation option. Members free. Non members $10.
Where: 168 Queen street south unit 210. Oracle Jiu Jitsu
Door closes 7:15pm sharp.
Toronto, Canada
February 16, 2021
For immediate press release.
V3DA hub is pleased to announce launch of their much anticipated pilot limited launch.
Lee Chiang, Owner and Founder, sat directly with his development team to watch, complete and personally test one last remaining feature to conclude a long backlog haul that started over a year ago.
“The entire life cycle has been years in the making, with continuous minor improvements and feature releases along the way” said Lee, continuing, “but today marks a milestone for us in finalizing the epic of epics”.
“Moving forward, we will quickly work with industry leaders in the coaching and school space to rapidly test all 12 engines firing at the same time”.
“We want to ensure that the product is flawless and robust out of the gate” said the long time entrepreneur and thought leader Lee.
Time will tell. We wish V3DA hub all the best.
Febuary 3, 2021, 10 am EST
Toronto, Canada
V3DA hub announces ‘Profile2Go’.
“This feature has always been one of the leading ways that V3DA hub wanted to allow it’s students to be able to easily migrate to and from any gym, academy, school or program that they wish to . . . at a drop of a hat”, says founder of V3DA hub, Lee Chiang.
“Privacy has always been at the forefront of our business model and portability of our clients records. Meaning, a student can always just pick up and leave with their records to wherever they please”.
So whether it’s ‘Jamie’s Yoga studio; this month or ‘Total Fitness’ the next month, no problem. Just switch schools and once your new instructor verifies your identity as one of their students, voila, you’re good to go.
i hope you’re doing well.
As of today Ontario hit 1,500 cases/day. It’s officially wave 2. As I had predicted back in June (it didn’t take rocket science, in fact it took only basic high school math) to see this outcome based on the actions taken back when we entered into phase 3.
This prediction that came out today that Ontario could hit 6,500 cases per day is yet another very grave alert. Why am i writing this? Because ours one more reason or inflection point that’s headed out way where the decisions we make today will affect whether this prediction comes true or not
People, you need to make the correct decision TODAY.
Oracle jiu jitsu it’s dedicated to contributing to the wellness and speedy recovery of our economy, our families and my students. This means our doors remain closed. . . for now. Yes we’re located in Etobicoke and Mississauga but these locations are setting quadruple growth rate numbers as is Toronto
Stay tuned folks. Stay smart. Stay strong.
P. Lee
Hey everyone,
It’s Lee here. I hope you’re doing well. I have an upcoming Affiliate Partner Program sales call coming up just you!
Here’s what’s on the agenda:
What you need to bring:
Details of the zoom meeting:
Topic: V3DA hub Zoom Meeting
Time: Sep 18, 2020 11:00 AM – 12 noon America/Toronto EST (3-4 pm UTC)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 402 098 1096
Passcode: 123
*** please ensure you email lee/reply to the invite sent to your email. ***
Hey there leechiang,
Oracle Jiu Jitsu just updated the curriculum.
Here’s what was recorded on 10/09/2019:
test stand
test guard
You can also check it out here: http://www.new.v3da.com/oraclejiujitsu-curriculum/
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