Guys and Gals, you’ve made it!
Yes this is the Oracle tribe ‘online only’ academy membership page.
Your ticket includes the following cool features:
- Online functional training programs
- Online coach/academy membership
- Personal digital online coach, accessible 24/7/365 from anywhere! (pajama friendly)
- Personal digital dashboard, with metrics to keep you on track and motivated
- Real feedback from me! on your dashboard
- Companion annotated routines to the YouTube videos
- Early access to YouTube videos
- Some cases full access to videos where public vids get cut short (wow what a tease)
- Companion training PDFs (with cool illustrations by yours truly)
- “On the mat” (coming soon). Yes, it’s like how it sounds. Be a fly on the wall and see what it’s like to run a BJJ academy from opening to ‘formup!!’. Actually watch/sit in on parts/whole classes!
- Special guests live cast ‘on the mat’ like Kru Muay Thai specialist, Judo clinics. With follow up QnA.
- Exclusive insight into the backend operational activities of running an online business. Exclusive “What’s Lee doing today?” videos (peak over my shoulder and see what’s on my laptop screen as I build V3DA hub and backend and front end)
- Special access to ‘Oracle Labs’. Whaaaat a grow lab? Yup. Grow your muscles, and your brains – at the same time
- Special access to ‘Start your academy’ QnA
- Special member-only invitations to join a live class here in our academy
- Exclusive deep discounts on V3DA hub/Oracle merch (even limited drop items!)
- Training content is intended to be diverse in nature. Ranging from high intensity training, core strength training, strong man training, brazilian jiu jitsu, general infotainment content (and a whole ton more). Currently, as of this writing, no bjj testing, nor gradation is offered through the online academy.
- No commitments. No contracts. Cancel anytime.
- . . . and more!
* Please note that the OracleTribe ‘online only’ academy membership does not include ‘in-person at our physical location’ academy memberships. In-person physical locations require separate purchase. Figured you already knew that, but just in case.
* Future price increases and/or tiered memberships (that restrict some feature access) may come into effect at any time. Today’s membership purchases will be grandfathered at the highest future tier.
* Source page:
* Parents enrolling their kids will be required to complete a consent, waiver release, and health form on behalf of their child. Adults must complete waiver release and health forms. Failure to complete the above forms gives Oracle Jiu Jitsu and/or V3DA hub the right to refuse admission into the group. If you have previous medical conditions it is advisable to get approval from your doctor first. If you experience any odd symptoms while conducting any routines, stop. Call 911/seek immediate medical attention.
* Some of the physical activities are extremely challenging, require strength, and are potentially dangerous. By joining OracleTribe, you agree to all the policies including terms and conditions of both Oracle Jiu Jitsu and V3DA hub.
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