Introducing ULTRA.



V3DA hub is excited to announce our new program. V3DA hub ULTRA.

All ULTRA coaches.  All under one roof.





What's an 'ULTRA' coach?

An ULTRA is an individual who has shown exceptional skill, achievement and peer approval in their respective field in some shape or manner as a competitor, leader, coach or mentor.

How does it work?

Like our regular V3DA hub which gives you access to your coach, ULTRA gives you, in addition, the option to sign up with your favorite leaders, pros, coaches and mentors directly! It's the best of both worlds. 

Yes, you heard correct. Get direct access to your mentors for a small monthly fee. All mentors. Mix and match.

(ULTRA coaches are by invitation and approval only. Unfortunately we cannot accept everyone).

Got a question? Get a personal answer. It's that simple. How about asking questions across other ULTRA coaches? Hell'a'ya. Your membership entitles you to a question every month for each ULTRA coach.

Would you like more time with your ULTRA? Not a problem. Just grab additional power packs and ask away!

Find out more by selecting one of the two buttons below.